Lawn Repair

Though many lawns will improve dramatically with the fertilization and weed control provided by our lawn care packages alone, we offer a variety of add-on services to address specific issues that can prevent your lawn from reaching its maximum potential.


This service is completed in the fall. Aeration gives your lawn’s roots better access to the air, water, and nutrients it needs to thrive next year. Price based on square footage.

This add-on service helps to:

  • Enhance Soil and Root Health: Aeration breaks up compacted soil, enabling better penetration of air, water, and nutrients. This process encourages deeper and more widespread root growth, leading to stronger and healthier grass.
  • Improve Water and Nutrient Efficiency: By increasing soil permeability, aeration allows water and nutrients to reach the root zone more effectively, enhancing overall lawn vitality and reducing water runoff and puddling.
  • Boost Lawn Resilience: Aerated lawns have deeper root systems, which improve drought tolerance and strengthen disease resistance. Healthier grass is also more effective at outcompeting weeds, contributing to a robust and dense lawn.
  • Optimize Conditions for Growth: Aeration supports thicker and denser grass growth, enhancing curb appeal. It also creates ideal conditions for overseeding, ensuring better seed germination and filling in bare or thin spots.
  • greening plusIf you have the Extreme Green Add-On, you’re already receiving this treatment!


    When done in late summer/fall, overseeding introduces fresh seed and lays the foundation for a thicker, healthier lawn next summer. Price based on square footage.

    This add-on service helps to:

  • Enhance Lawn Density and Beauty: Overseeding thickens up the lawn overall, resulting in a denser and more visually appealing lawn that is more resilient to foot traffic.
  • Promote Natural Weed Control: A thicker lawn from overseeding crowds out weeds by denying them space, light, and nutrients.
  • Improve Overall Lawn Health: Overseeding the lawn annually keeps the grass thick, helping to shade the soil and prevent environmental stresses like drought.
  • greening plusIf you have the Extreme Green Add-On, you’re already receiving this treatment!

    *Please note over-seeding does not fix bare spots or damaged areas, and in some cases a slice-seeding may be needed.

    Slice Seeding

    Repairs areas of damaged or missing turf by delivering seeds directly into the soil during fall, when weather patterns and temperatures allow them the best chance to grow deep and strong. Price based on square footage.

    This add-on service helps to:

  • Improve Seed-to-Soil Contact and Germination: Slice seeding creates small slits in the soil to deposit grass seeds, ensuring optimal seed-to-soil contact. This enhances germination rates and leads to quicker, more robust growth.
  • Ensure Even Seed Distribution: Slice seeders distribute seeds evenly, preventing patchy growth and ensuring a uniform, aesthetically pleasing lawn.
  • Protect Seeds from Displacement: Our slice-seedings include a top cover that helps to protect the seed from the sun and retain moisture in the newly seeded areas.
  • How does slice seeding work?

    icon Step 1:
    Ground is aerated, which leaves visible plugs of dirt on top

    icon Step 2:
    Ground is overseeded

    icon Step 3:
    Slice seeding machine simultaneously makes slices into the soil while depositing additional seed into the slices. This process also breaks up the aeration plugs, essentially applying a "top dressing" of soil onto the seed.

    *This specialty service requires a site visit to quote. Please call 216-227-1500 to schedule a quote

    Lime/Soil Boost

    Lime/soil boost is applied in late summer to enhance your lawn’s fall color and keep your grass fed all winter long. Price based on square footage.

    This add-on service helps to:

  • Balance Soil pH: Lime adjusts the soil pH to a more neutral range, which is crucial for optimal grass growth. Most grasses thrive in a pH range between 6.0 and 7.0. Lime helps raise the pH of acidic soils, making essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus more available to the grass​
  • Enhance Nutrient Uptake: By balancing the soil pH, lime improves the availability and absorption of nutrients. This results in a healthier, more robust lawn. Lime also adds essential nutrients directly to the soil, further nourishing the grass​
  • Improve Soil Structure and Microbial Activity: Lime promotes a healthier soil environment by enhancing microbial activity, which helps break down organic matter and improve soil structure. This leads to better water penetration, creating a more supportive environment for grass growth
  • Reduce Moss and Weed Growth: Many weeds and mosses prefer acidic soils. By raising the soil pH, lime makes the environment less favorable for these unwanted plants, helping to control their spread and improve lawn density and appearance
  • greening plusIf you have the Greening Plus program, you’re already receiving this treatment!

    Grub Curative

    Grub curative is applied in the fall when an active grub infestation is present in your lawn. Once the infestation is under control, we highly recommend grub prevention next season (included in our Greening Plus program!) to keep them from coming back next year. Price based on square footage.

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    Lady Bug

    Best Greening Services

    | 216.227.1500 | 12830 Triskett Ave. Cleveland, OH 44111